A Journey of Spiritual Transformation

Peace ⟡Connection with God ⟡ Liberation

Welcome, angel! I am so grateful for all the pings from the universe that led you here.  

My devotion to spiritual transformation began after I spent a decade hiding from my truth and starving my intuition. I was stuck in a pattern of hitting rock bottom rhythmically and repeatedly in my teens and early twenties. I struggled with sexual abuse, eating disorders, toxic relationships, PCOS, mold poisoning, adrenal fatigue and depression. I was in a survival state with a dysregulated nervous system. This led to the big bathroom floor moment right before my 23rd birthday, where Spirit intervened and said to me...

"Everything you desire is on the other side of your healing." 

I had ignored the callings before, but after that night, I chose to listen. I dove deep into the uncharted waters of my healing. Exploring a variety of modalities including yoga, micro dosing, trauma therapy, ayahuasca, breath work, sound healing, psychic readings, and bodywork- I discovered the courage in my heart to learn from it all. What I found along my journey, is that healing is less about becoming anything, and more about remembering and letting go.

Suffering was, and is a mighty teacher. I am in deep gratitude to my challenges for humbling me to receive the remembrance of my gifts as an astrologer, reiki master, psychic channel, ceremonialist and medicine woman. Surrender is the key code.

My path chose me. I now choose it daily.

Thank you for being here.

Become an Email Angel

Join the Jupiter Rising newsletter and receive horoscopes, spiritual inspiration, written transmissions, and updates on offers/retreats.

⟢Sent with love to your inbox. 

Ready to unleash the treasures of  your soul?


⟢It's your time to rise... and you don't have to do it alone. 


Here's how I can serve you:



Inner Gold Alchemy is Rylee's signature spiritual transformation framework for unleashing the treasure of your soul using her gifts of astrology, channeling, integration and energy healing. 

⟢Experience the magic and healing of these 90 minute 1-1 sessions. 

Book Now



Supported is a 3-month micro-dosing journey designed to support you in your next-level breakthrough. Utilizing the power of psychedelic medicine, intention, subconscious and neural re-programming this experience is here to be catalyst for long-lasting change, insight, and healing. 

⟢Experience the transformation of this self-guided course and medicine ritual.

Doors Open 11/22




Beginning January 2024, Liberation is Rylee's most alchemizing, activating comprehensive experience.

Liberation includes:

⟢Private group ayahuasca ceremony 𖦹 January 16th

⟢Spot at her retreat Radiance: Tulum Activation 𖦹 January 18-21st 

⟢10 90-minute 1-1 spiritual transformation sessions

⟢2 month microdosing journey

⟢3 month’s of integration and support in the activation of your psychic gifts and spiritual abilities. 

Spots very limited. 

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Inquire to learn more about Private Plant Medicine Ceremony Experiences. 

Rylee and her team facilitate for individuals, couples, and small-medium sized groups. Based in Colorado Springs.

⟢Available to travel.


Submit Inquiry




Radiance is…

⟢Spiritual Women’s Community 

⟢Transformative Healing

⟢Wellness Focused 

⟢Earth Guided 

Radiance Activations was birthed from the intention to bring women together for transformative moments of holistic healing, spiritual awakening, sisterhood, nourishment, and deep connection to themselves, others, and the earth. Each retreat is held in a potent energetic vortex and location to assist in the healing & activation process.

Join us in Tulum for our next retreat January 18-21st, 2024.

Learn More

"Still reminiscing over our amazing session on Saturday! So many revelations! Thank you for validating all my hidden pain and silent suffering. Been a long time since I’ve felt that deeply understood and safe to expose my entire self and journey!


Truly TRULY blessed to have you and your angelic presence in my life! This expansive, sacred, and healing journey of micro-dosing couldn’t haven’t been more aligned with this chapter of my life as well! Sending so much love!"


Brooke, Artist + student of SUPPORTED
Hi there, I am Rylee —

I am an oracle for the purpose-filled, mission-driven souls walking the Path of Remembrance. 


I see you... devoted to your dharma, seeking your spiritual growth. In surrender to your soul's greatest evolution.

To Heal.

To Impact.

To Remember. 

This is my prayer to you...

“I will not rescue you, for you are not powerless. I will not fix you, for you are not broken. I will not heal you, for I see you in your wholeness. I will walk with you through the darkness as you remember your light." 

⟢A Medicine Woman's Prayer


Thank you for being here. 


Learn More
Free Download

The Art of  Articulation

Discover the language of your dharma through this guided writing ceremony. Download the PDF below to dive deep into the depths of your divine mission and how to artfully articulate who you are and what you do with the world.

Download now