$177.00 USD

Inner Gold Alchemy

Inner Gold Alchemy is designed to unleash the treasure within you. Your gifts. Your dreams. Your mission. Experience the process of spiritual transformation in one or all of these private 90-minute sessions. 

Choose from:

  • Inner Gold Akashic

    • Psychic, Akashic Records reading. An opportunity to receive messages from your quantum field. My channel most often leads me to speak to a client's life's purpose, soul mission, legacy, and sacred work. Come prepared with your questions and an open heart.
  • Inner Gold Astrology

    • Include in the birth date/time box if you'd prefer a natal chart reading or astrological consultation (for your business, year ahead, solar return chart, etc)
  • Inner Gold Energy Healing

    • Reiki Energy session with written channeled messages through your chakras shared at the end where together we verbally process the energetic experience. 
  •  Inner Gold Integration

    • Spiritual Guidance session to help you process an integrate a big life transition, a business idea, grief, or a plant medicine ceremony.