About Rylee

Hello angel, I am Rylee


My nurturance, guidance, and vision are my power.


The birth time I chose to enter the world. I was a deeply intuitive, aware, creative child. My spiritual perspectives were shaped deeply at a young age when I had an encounter with Archangel Michael at age 6. As I continue to evolve and grow in my expression of gifts and services, I prayerfully anchor back to her.

The one who has always seen.

"Everything you desire is on the other side of your healing."

This is the message that met me on the bathroom floor after  throwing up adderall and stomach acid. I was so weak from nearly a decade battle with an eating disorder and trauma coping patterns. I couldn't keep doing what I was doing. So when the universe so graciously directed me... I listened. 

My journey has included a series of what I like to call rememberings. Walking The Path of Remembrance is now my soul's devotion to this life. To further awaken myself, so I can more clearly and lovingly serve others. 

I deeply love my sacred work. Other activities that bring me joy༻ 

connecting with my family and soul family, galloping in the forest with my horse Beau, sleeping in the jungle, teaching yoga, making music, singing with my sound bowls, journeying with plants, cold plunging, meditating, cooking curry, the sound of rivers, cacao, vision boarding, and dreaming of heaven on earth. 


You should know...

  1. I am an artist. My spirit is so alive when I create. I love to sing, speak, dance, write, paint, and channel. I embrace all ways the life force energy desires to flow through me 

  2. My Primary Values... Peace, Connection with God, Liberation༻
  3. My name Rylee means... Courage or Valor. I believe in the power and meaning of my name ༻
  4. I am passionate about seeing 𓁿 and serving people. I create experiences for people to discover the depths of their dharma. I express this mission through a variety of modalities༻ astrology, channeling, ceremonies, singing, reiki, teaching and writing. I reverently claim my callings. 
  5. My Cosmic Profiles... Cancer Sun, Gemini Moon, Virgo Rising༻ 1/3 Manifesting Generator༻ ENFP/INFP

I am here to love

Invitations to Work Together



Supported is a 3-month micro-dosing journey + course here to create long-lasting change, insight, and healing.

Doors open 11/22

Inner Gold Alchemy.

Inner Gold Alchemy is Rylee's signature spiritual transformation framework. Experience the magic and healing of these 90 minute 1-1 sessions. 

Work With Me



Inquire to learn more about Plant Medicine Ceremony Experiences including Private Psilocybin Portals. Available to travel. 

Inquiry form